Skomentowany kod źródłowy struktur: vm_area_struct i page.

#ifndef _LINUX_MM_H #define _LINUX_MM_H #include <linux/sched.h> #include <linux/errno.h> #include <linux/kernel.h> #ifdef __KERNEL__ #include <linux/string.h> extern unsigned long high_memory; #include <asm/page.h> #include <asm/atomic.h> #define VERIFY_READ 0 #define VERIFY_WRITE 1 extern int verify_area(int, const void *, unsigned long); /*  * Linux kernel virtual memory manager primitives.  * The idea being to have a "virtual" mm in the same way  * we have a virtual fs - giving a cleaner interface to the  * mm details, and allowing different kinds of memory mappings  * (from shared memory to executable loading to arbitrary  * mmap() functions).  */ /*  * This struct defines a memory VMM memory area. There is one of these  * per VM-area/task.  A VM area is any part of the process virtual memory  * space that has a special rule for the page-fault handlers (ie a shared  * library, the executable area etc).  */ /* struktura służąca do obsługi wirtualnej przestrzeni adresowej.  * Pamięć wirtualna procesu reprezentowana jest przez listę i drzewo AVL  * struktur vm_area_struct opisujących przyznane procesowi spójne obszary   * wirtualnej przestrzeni adresowej.*/ struct vm_area_struct { /* Struktura mm_struct procesu, do którego należy dany vm_area_struct. */         struct mm_struct * vm_mm;       /* VM area parameters */         unsigned long vm_start;       /* adres początku obszaru pamięci */         unsigned long vm_end;         /* adres końca obszaru pamięci */             pgprot_t vm_page_prot;        /* znaczniki ochrony */         unsigned short vm_flags; /* AVL tree of VM areas per task, sorted by address */ /* Pola organizujące struktury vm_area_struct procesu w strukturę drzewa,  * którego elementy są uporządkowane po adresie początkowym obszaru  * pamięci reprezentowanego przez daną strukturę vm_area_struct */           short vm_avl_height;        /* Poziom w drzewie danej struktury */         struct vm_area_struct * vm_avl_left;    /* lewy syn */         struct vm_area_struct * vm_avl_right;   /* prawy syn */ /* linked list of VM areas per task, sorted by address */ /* pole organizujące struktury vm_area_struct procesu w strukturę listy */         struct vm_area_struct * vm_next;  /* for areas with inode, the circular list inode->i_mmap */ /* for shm areas, the circular list of attaches */ /* otherwise unused */ /* pola organizujące w listę cykliczną struktury vm_area_struct   * (różnych procesów)używane dla obszarów z i-węzłem(np. mapowanie plików)  * lub obszarów pamięci dzielonej */         struct vm_area_struct * vm_next_share;         struct vm_area_struct * vm_prev_share; /* more */         struct vm_operations_struct * vm_ops;         unsigned long vm_offset;         struct inode * vm_inode;         unsigned long vm_pte;                   /* shared mem */ }; /*  * vm_flags..  */ #define VM_READ         0x0001  /* currently active flags */ #define VM_WRITE        0x0002 #define VM_EXEC         0x0004 #define VM_SHARED       0x0008 #define VM_MAYREAD      0x0010  /* limits for mprotect() etc */ #define VM_MAYWRITE     0x0020 #define VM_MAYEXEC      0x0040 #define VM_MAYSHARE     0x0080 #define VM_GROWSDOWN    0x0100  /* general info on the segment */ #define VM_GROWSUP      0x0200 #define VM_SHM          0x0400  /* shared memory area, don't swap out */ #define VM_DENYWRITE    0x0800  /* ETXTBSY on write attempts.. */ #define VM_EXECUTABLE   0x1000 #define VM_LOCKED       0x2000 #define VM_STACK_FLAGS  0x0177 /*  * mapping from the currently active vm_flags protection bits (the  * low four bits) to a page protection mask..  */ extern pgprot_t protection_map[16]; /*  * These are the virtual MM functions - opening of an area, closing and  * unmapping it (needed to keep files on disk up-to-date etc), pointer  * to the functions called when a no-page or a wp-page exception occurs.  */ struct vm_operations_struct {         void (*open)(struct vm_area_struct * area);         void (*close)(struct vm_area_struct * area);         void (*unmap)(struct vm_area_struct *area, unsigned long, size_t);         void (*protect)(struct vm_area_struct *area, unsigned long, size_t, unsigned int newprot);         int (*sync)(struct vm_area_struct *area, unsigned long, size_t, unsigned int flags);         void (*advise)(struct vm_area_struct *area, unsigned long, size_t, unsigned int advise);         unsigned long (*nopage)(struct vm_area_struct * area, unsigned long address, int write_access);         unsigned long (*wppage)(struct vm_area_struct * area, unsigned long address,                 unsigned long page);         int (*swapout)(struct vm_area_struct *,  unsigned long, pte_t *);         pte_t (*swapin)(struct vm_area_struct *, unsigned long, unsigned long); }; /*  * Try to keep the most commonly accessed fields in single cache lines  * here (16 bytes or greater).  This ordering should be particularly  * beneficial on 32-bit processors.  *  * The first line is data used in page cache lookup, the second line  * is used for linear searches (eg. clock algorithm scans).  */ /* Struktura przechowywująca informacje o każdej ramce pamięci fizycznej */ typedef struct page {         /* these must be first (free area handling) */ /* Pola next i perv używane są między innymi przez mechanizm zarządzania   * wolnymi przestrzeniami pamięci ( służą do tworzenia cyklicznych list   * wolnych obszarów o danym rozmiarze).         struct page *next;         struct page *prev;         struct inode *inode;         unsigned long offset;         struct page *next_hash; /* Pole count mówi ile procesów współdzieli tą ramkę.  * Gdy count = 0 to oznacza że dana ramka jest wolna.  * Z pola tego, korzysta również mechanizm opóźnionego zapisu.*/         atomic_t count; /* flagi (opisane poniżej)         unsigned flags; /* atomic flags, some possibly updated asynchronously */         unsigned dirty:16, /* Wiek strony (im mniejsza wartość pola age, tym starsza strona) */                  age:8; /*kolejka procesów oczekujących na zakończenie operacji I/O na tej ramce */         struct wait_queue *wait;          struct page *prev_hash;         struct buffer_head * buffers;         unsigned long swap_unlock_entry;         unsigned long map_nr;   /* page->map_nr == page - mem_map */ } mem_map_t; /* Page flag bit values */ /* Flagi dla struktury page */ /* bit służy do zakładania blokady na ramce dla której operacja I/O   * jeszcze się nie zakończyła */ #define PG_locked                0 /* bit informujący czy operacja I/O zakończyła się sukcesem */ #define PG_error                 1 /* bit zapalany za każdym razem kiedy system odwołuje się do danej   * ramki , wykorzystywany w procesie wyboru ramki do zapisania na dysku*/ #define PG_referenced            2 /* bit mówiący czy zawartość ramki jest aktualna */ #define PG_uptodate              3 /* Jeśli bit PG_free_after jest równy 1 to ramka zostaje zwolniona   * natychmiast po zakończeniu operacji zapisu I/O */ #define PG_free_after            4 /* bit ten ustawiany jest na 1 jeśli operacja I/O na ramce wykonywana jest  * synchronicznie(nie czekamy na koniec operacji). #define PG_decr_after            5 #define PG_swap_unlock_after     6 /* bit ustawiany dla ramek które leżą w zasięgu mechanizmu transferu  * kanałami DMA */ #define PG_DMA                   7 /* bit ten oznacza że do tej ramki nie może być żadnych odwołań */ #define PG_reserved             31 /* Make it prettier to test the above... */ #define PageLocked(page)        (test_bit(PG_locked, &(page)->flags)) #define PageError(page)         (test_bit(PG_error, &(page)->flags)) #define PageReferenced(page)    (test_bit(PG_referenced, &(page)->flags)) #define PageDirty(page)         (test_bit(PG_dirty, &(page)->flags)) #define PageUptodate(page)      (test_bit(PG_uptodate, &(page)->flags)) #define PageFreeAfter(page)     (test_bit(PG_free_after, &(page)->flags)) #define PageDecrAfter(page)     (test_bit(PG_decr_after, &(page)->flags)) #define PageSwapUnlockAfter(page) (test_bit(PG_swap_unlock_after, &(page)->flags)) #define PageDMA(page)           (test_bit(PG_DMA, &(page)->flags)) #define PageReserved(page)      (test_bit(PG_reserved, &(page)->flags)) /*  * page->reserved denotes a page which must never be accessed (which  * may not even be present).  *  * page->dma is set for those pages which lie in the range of  * physical addresses capable of carrying DMA transfers.  *  * Multiple processes may "see" the same page. E.g. for untouched  * mappings of /dev/null, all processes see the same page full of  * zeroes, and text pages of executables and shared libraries have  * only one copy in memory, at most, normally.  *  * For the non-reserved pages, page->count denotes a reference count.  *   page->count == 0 means the page is free.  *   page->count == 1 means the page is used for exactly one purpose  *   (e.g. a private data page of one process).  *  * A page may be used for kmalloc() or anyone else who does a  * get_free_page(). In this case the page->count is at least 1, and  * all other fields are unused but should be 0 or NULL. The  * management of this page is the responsibility of the one who uses  * it.  *  * The other pages (we may call them "process pages") are completely  * managed by the Linux memory manager: I/O, buffers, swapping etc.  * The following discussion applies only to them.  *  * A page may belong to an inode's memory mapping. In this case,  * page->inode is the inode, and page->offset is the file offset  * of the page (not necessarily a multiple of PAGE_SIZE).  *  * A page may have buffers allocated to it. In this case,  * page->buffers is a circular list of these buffer heads. Else,  * page->buffers == NULL.  *  * For pages belonging to inodes, the page->count is the number of  * attaches, plus 1 if buffers are allocated to the page.  *  * All pages belonging to an inode make up a doubly linked list  * inode->i_pages, using the fields page->next and page->prev. (These  * fields are also used for freelist management when page->count==0.)  * There is also a hash table mapping (inode,offset) to the page  * in memory if present. The lists for this hash table use the fields  * page->next_hash and page->prev_hash.  *  * All process pages can do I/O:  * - inode pages may need to be read from disk,  * - inode pages which have been modified and are MAP_SHARED may need  *   to be written to disk,  * - private pages which have been modified may need to be swapped out  *   to swap space and (later) to be read back into memory.  * During disk I/O, page->locked is true. This bit is set before I/O  * and reset when I/O completes. page->wait is a wait queue of all  * tasks waiting for the I/O on this page to complete.  * page->uptodate tells whether the page's contents is valid.  * When a read completes, the page becomes uptodate, unless a disk I/O  * error happened.  * When a write completes, and page->free_after is true, the page is  * freed without any further delay.  *  * For choosing which pages to swap out, inode pages carry a  * page->referenced bit, which is set any time the system accesses  * that page through the (inode,offset) hash table.  * There is also the page->age counter, which implements a linear  * decay (why not an exponential decay?), see swapctl.h.  */ /* Tablica pamięci */ extern mem_map_t * mem_map; /*  * This is timing-critical - most of the time in getting a new page  * goes to clearing the page. If you want a page without the clearing  * overhead, just use __get_free_page() directly..  */ #define __get_free_page(priority) __get_free_pages((priority),0,0) #define __get_dma_pages(priority, order) __get_free_pages((priority),(order),1) extern unsigned long __get_free_pages(int priority, unsigned long gfporder, int dma); extern inline unsigned long get_free_page(int priority) {         unsigned long page;         page = __get_free_page(priority);         if (page)                 memset((void *) page, 0, PAGE_SIZE);         return page; } /* memory.c & swap.c*/ #define free_page(addr) free_pages((addr),0) extern void free_pages(unsigned long addr, unsigned long order); extern void __free_page(struct page *); extern void show_free_areas(void); extern unsigned long put_dirty_page(struct task_struct * tsk,unsigned long page,         unsigned long address); extern void free_page_tables(struct mm_struct * mm); extern void clear_page_tables(struct task_struct * tsk); extern int new_page_tables(struct task_struct * tsk); extern int copy_page_tables(struct task_struct * to); extern int zap_page_range(struct mm_struct *mm, unsigned long address, unsigned long size); extern int copy_page_range(struct mm_struct *dst, struct mm_struct *src, struct vm_area_struct *vma); extern int remap_page_range(unsigned long from, unsigned long to, unsigned long size, pgprot_t prot); extern int zeromap_page_range(unsigned long from, unsigned long size, pgprot_t prot); extern void vmtruncate(struct inode * inode, unsigned long offset); extern void handle_mm_fault(struct vm_area_struct *vma, unsigned long address, int write_access); extern void do_wp_page(struct task_struct * tsk, struct vm_area_struct * vma, unsigned long address, int write_access); extern void do_no_page(struct task_struct * tsk, struct vm_area_struct * vma, unsigned long address, int write_access); extern unsigned long paging_init(unsigned long start_mem, unsigned long end_mem); extern void mem_init(unsigned long start_mem, unsigned long end_mem); extern void show_mem(void); extern void oom(struct task_struct * tsk); extern void si_meminfo(struct sysinfo * val); /* vmalloc.c */ extern void * vmalloc(unsigned long size); extern void * vremap(unsigned long offset, unsigned long size); extern void vfree(void * addr); extern int vread(char *buf, char *addr, int count); /* mmap.c */ extern unsigned long do_mmap(struct file * file, unsigned long addr, unsigned long len,         unsigned long prot, unsigned long flags, unsigned long off); extern void merge_segments(struct mm_struct *, unsigned long, unsigned long); extern void insert_vm_struct(struct mm_struct *, struct vm_area_struct *); extern void remove_shared_vm_struct(struct vm_area_struct *); extern void build_mmap_avl(struct mm_struct *); extern void exit_mmap(struct mm_struct *); extern int do_munmap(unsigned long, size_t); extern unsigned long get_unmapped_area(unsigned long, unsigned long); /* filemap.c */ extern unsigned long page_unuse(unsigned long); extern int shrink_mmap(int, int, int); extern void truncate_inode_pages(struct inode *, unsigned long); #define GFP_BUFFER      0x00 #define GFP_ATOMIC      0x01 #define GFP_USER        0x02 #define GFP_KERNEL      0x03 #define GFP_NOBUFFER    0x04 #define GFP_NFS         0x05 #define GFP_IO          0x06 /* Flag - indicates that the buffer will be suitable for DMA.  Ignored on some    platforms, used as appropriate on others */ #define GFP_DMA         0x80 #define GFP_LEVEL_MASK 0xf /* vma is the first one with  address < vma->vm_end,  * and even  address < vma->vm_start. Have to extend vma. */ static inline int expand_stack(struct vm_area_struct * vma, unsigned long address) {         unsigned long grow;         address &= PAGE_MASK;         grow = vma->vm_start - address;         if (vma->vm_end - address             > (unsigned long) current->rlim[RLIMIT_STACK].rlim_cur ||             (vma->vm_mm->total_vm << PAGE_SHIFT) + grow             > (unsigned long) current->rlim[RLIMIT_AS].rlim_cur)                 return -ENOMEM;         vma->vm_start = address;         vma->vm_offset -= grow;         vma->vm_mm->total_vm += grow >> PAGE_SHIFT;         if (vma->vm_flags & VM_LOCKED)                 vma->vm_mm->locked_vm += grow >> PAGE_SHIFT;         return 0; } #define avl_empty       (struct vm_area_struct *) NULL /* Look up the first VMA which satisfies  addr < vm_end,  NULL if none. */ static inline struct vm_area_struct * find_vma(struct mm_struct * mm, unsigned long addr) {         struct vm_area_struct * result = NULL;         if (mm) {                 struct vm_area_struct * tree = mm->mmap_avl;                 for (;;) {                         if (tree == avl_empty)                                 break;                         if (tree->vm_end > addr) {                                 result = tree;                                 if (tree->vm_start <= addr)                                         break;                                 tree = tree->vm_avl_left;                         } else                                 tree = tree->vm_avl_right;                 }         }         return result; } /* Look up the first VMA which intersects the interval start_addr..end_addr-1,    NULL if none.  Assume start_addr < end_addr. */ static inline struct vm_area_struct * find_vma_intersection(struct mm_struct * mm, unsigned long start_addr, unsigned long end_addr) {         struct vm_area_struct * vma;         vma = find_vma(mm,start_addr);         if (vma && end_addr <= vma->vm_start)                 vma = NULL;         return vma; } #endif /* __KERNEL__ */ #endif
Autor : Radosław Rudzki