/* Linuxthreads - a simple clone()-based implementation of Posix        */
/* threads for Linux.                                                   */
/* Copyright (C) 1996 Xavier Leroy (Xavier.Leroy@inria.fr)              */
/*                                                                      */
/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or        */
/* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License  */
/* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2       */
/* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.               */
/*                                                                      */
/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,      */
/* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of       */
/* GNU Library General Public License for more details.                 */

/* The "thread manager" thread: manages creation and termination of threads */

#define _REENTRANT
#include <errno.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/time.h>           /* for select */
#include <sys/types.h>          /* for select */
#include <sys/mman.h>           /* for mmap */
#include <sys/wait.h>           /* for waitpid macros */
#include <linux/sched.h>

#include "pthread.h"
#include "internals.h"
#include "spinlock.h"
#include "restart.h"

/* Array of active threads. Entry 0 is reserved for the initial thread. */

struct pthread_handle_struct __pthread_handles[PTHREAD_THREADS_MAX] =
{ { 0, &__pthread_initial_thread}, /* All NULLs */ };

/* Mapping from stack segment to thread descriptor. */
/* Stack segment numbers are also indices into the __pthread_handles array. */
/* Stack segment number 0 is reserved for the initial thread. */

static inline pthread_descr thread_segment(int seg)
  return (pthread_descr)(THREAD_STACK_START_ADDRESS - (seg - 1) * STACK_SIZE)
         - 1;

/* Flag set in signal handler to record child termination */

/* Czy są jakieś wątki czekające na usunięcie z pamięci? */
static volatile int terminated_children = 0;

/* Flag set when the initial thread is blocked on pthread_exit waiting
   for all other threads to terminate */

static int main_thread_exiting = 0;

/* Counter used to generate unique thread identifier.
   Thread identifier is pthread_threads_counter + segment. */

/* segment zawiera się w przedziale 0..PTHREAD_THREADS_MAX] */
static pthread_t pthread_threads_counter = 0;

/* Forward declarations */

static int pthread_handle_create(pthread_t *thread, const pthread_attr_t *attr,
                                 void * (*start_routine)(void *), void *arg,
                                 sigset_t * mask, int father_pid);
static void pthread_handle_free(pthread_descr th);
static void pthread_handle_exit(pthread_descr issuing_thread, int exitcode);
static void pthread_reap_children();
static void pthread_kill_all_threads(int sig, int main_thread_also);

/* The server thread managing requests for thread creation and termination */

/* ciało menedżera wątków */
int __pthread_manager(void * arg)
  int reqfd = (int) arg;
  sigset_t mask;
  fd_set readfds;
  struct timeval timeout;
  int n;
  struct pthread_request request;

  /* If we have special thread_self processing, initialize it.  */
  /* Block all signals except PTHREAD_SIG_RESTART */
  sigdelset(&mask, PTHREAD_SIG_RESTART);
  sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &mask, NULL);
  /* Enter server loop */
  while(1) {
    FD_SET(reqfd, &readfds);
    timeout.tv_sec = 2;
    timeout.tv_usec = 0;
    /* używamy selecta, aby się nie blokować, może się zdarzyć, że menedżer */
    /* będzie miał zadanie do wykonania, mimo iż nie dostał żądania         */
    n = select(FD_SETSIZE, &readfds, NULL, NULL, &timeout);
    /* Check for termination of the main thread */
    if (getppid() == 1) {                     /* jeśli mój ojciec to proces 1 (INIT)     */
      pthread_kill_all_threads(SIGKILL, 0);   /* to oryginaly ojciec zakończył działanie */
      _exit(0);                               /* trzeba więc zakończyć jego wątki        */
    /* Check for dead children */
    if (terminated_children) {    /* usuń zakończone już wątki */
      terminated_children = 0;
    /* Read and execute request */
    if (n == 1 && FD_ISSET(reqfd, &readfds)) {    /* jeśli coś czeka na odczyt */
      n = read(reqfd, (char *)&request, sizeof(request));
      ASSERT(n == sizeof(request));    /* używane tylko przy debugowaniu */
      switch(request.req_kind) {
      case REQ_CREATE:            /* utwórz nowy wątek */
        request.req_thread->p_retcode =
          pthread_handle_create((pthread_t *) &request.req_thread->p_retval,
        restart(request.req_thread);   /* wznów wątek, który wywołał pthread_create */
      case REQ_FREE:              /* zwolnij zasoby wątku */
      case REQ_PROCESS_EXIT:      /* proces wywołał exit */
        main_thread_exiting = 1;
        if (__pthread_main_thread->p_nextlive == __pthread_main_thread) {   /* jeśli jest jedynym wątkiem, to może wyjść */
          return 0;

/* Process creation */

static int pthread_start_thread(void * arg)
  pthread_descr self = (pthread_descr) arg;
  void * outcome;

  /* Initialize special thread_self processing, if any.  */
  /* Make sure our pid field is initialized, just in case we get there
     before our father has initialized it. */
  /* pid jest dwukrotnie ustawiany ze względu na bezpieczeństwo -                    */
  /* nie możemy nic zakładać o kolejności wykonywania poszczególnych fragmentów kodu */
  self->p_pid = __getpid();
  /* Initial signal mask is that of the creating thread. (Otherwise,
     we'd just inherit the mask of the thread manager.) */
  /* zmień maskę sygnałów na tę, którą posiada nasz logiczny ojciec */
  /* (rzeczywistym ojcem każdego nowego wątku jest menedżer)        */
  sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &self->p_start_args.mask, NULL);
  /* Set the scheduling policy and priority for the new thread, if needed */
  /* dopiero w __sched_setscheduler zostaną sprawdzone      */
  /* uprawnienia użytkownika do zmiany sposobu szeregowania */
  if (self->p_start_args.schedpolicy != SCHED_OTHER)
    __sched_setscheduler(self->p_pid, self->p_start_args.schedpolicy,
  /* Run the thread code */
  /* w tym momencie funkcja ta traci sterowanie na rzecz funkcji-ciała wątku */
  /* warto zauważyć, jak prosto jest to zrealizowane - poprzez wywołanie     */
  /* tejże funkcji-ciała                                                     */
  outcome = self->p_start_args.start_routine(self->p_start_args.arg);
  /* Exit with the given return value */
  return 0;

static int pthread_handle_create(pthread_t *thread, const pthread_attr_t *attr,
                                 void * (*start_routine)(void *), void *arg,
                                 sigset_t * mask, int father_pid)
/* wywoływana przez menedżera jako odpowiedź na REQ_CREATE */
  size_t sseg;
  int pid;
  pthread_descr new_thread;
  pthread_t new_thread_id;
  int i;

  /* Find a free stack segment for the current stack */
  for (sseg = 1; ; sseg++) {
    if (sseg >= PTHREAD_THREADS_MAX) return EAGAIN;    /* jest już zbyt dużo wątków lub brakuje pamięci */
    if (__pthread_handles[sseg].h_descr != NULL) continue;
    new_thread = thread_segment(sseg);
    /* Allocate space for stack and thread descriptor. */
    if (mmap((caddr_t)((char *)(new_thread+1) - INITIAL_STACK_SIZE),
        != (caddr_t) -1) break;
    /* It seems part of this segment is already mapped. Try the next. */
  /* Allocate new thread identifier */
 /* sseg zawiera się w przedziale 0..PTHREAD_THREADS_MAX] */
  pthread_threads_counter += PTHREAD_THREADS_MAX;
  new_thread_id = sseg + pthread_threads_counter;
  /* Initialize the thread descriptor */
  new_thread->p_nextwaiting = NULL;
  new_thread->p_tid = new_thread_id;
  new_thread->p_priority = 0;
  new_thread->p_spinlock = &(__pthread_handles[sseg].h_spinlock);
  new_thread->p_signal = 0;
  new_thread->p_signal_jmp = NULL;
  new_thread->p_cancel_jmp = NULL;
  new_thread->p_terminated = 0;
  new_thread->p_detached = attr == NULL ? 0 : attr->detachstate;
  new_thread->p_exited = 0;
  new_thread->p_retval = NULL;
  new_thread->p_joining = NULL;
  new_thread->p_cleanup = NULL;
  new_thread->p_cancelstate = PTHREAD_CANCEL_ENABLE;
  new_thread->p_canceltype = PTHREAD_CANCEL_DEFERRED;
  new_thread->p_canceled = 0;
  new_thread->p_errno = 0;
  new_thread->p_h_errno = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < PTHREAD_KEY_1STLEVEL_SIZE; i++)
    new_thread->p_specific[i] = NULL;
  /* Initialize the thread handle */
  /* __pthread_handles - globalna tablica wątków danego procesu */
  __pthread_handles[sseg].h_spinlock = 0; /* should already be 0 */
  __pthread_handles[sseg].h_descr = new_thread;
  /* Determine scheduling parameters for the thread */
  /* sprawdzanie uprawnień użytkownika do zmiany sposobu szeregowania */
  /* wywoływane jest dopiero w pthread_start_thread                   */
  new_thread->p_start_args.schedpolicy = SCHED_OTHER;
  if (attr != NULL && attr->schedpolicy != SCHED_OTHER) {
    switch(attr->inheritsched) {
      new_thread->p_start_args.schedpolicy = attr->schedpolicy;
      new_thread->p_start_args.schedparam = attr->schedparam;
      new_thread->p_start_args.schedpolicy = __sched_getscheduler(father_pid);
      __sched_getparam(father_pid, &new_thread->p_start_args.schedparam);
    new_thread->p_priority = 
  /* Finish setting up arguments to pthread_start_thread */
  new_thread->p_start_args.start_routine = start_routine;
  new_thread->p_start_args.arg = arg;
  new_thread->p_start_args.mask = *mask;
  /* Do the cloning */
  pid = __clone(pthread_start_thread, (void **) new_thread,
  /* Check if cloning succeeded */
  if (pid == -1) {
    /* Free the stack */
    munmap((caddr_t)((char *)(new_thread+1) - INITIAL_STACK_SIZE),
    __pthread_handles[sseg].h_descr = NULL;   /* zaznacza, że uchwyt jest wolny */
    return errno;
  /* Insert new thread in doubly linked list of active threads */
  /* lista aktywnych wątków jest cykliczna, więc nie ma */
  /* znaczenia, gdzie wstawiamy nowy element            */
  new_thread->p_prevlive = __pthread_main_thread;
  new_thread->p_nextlive = __pthread_main_thread->p_nextlive;
  __pthread_main_thread->p_nextlive->p_prevlive = new_thread;
  __pthread_main_thread->p_nextlive = new_thread;
  /* Set pid field of the new thread, in case we get there before the
     child starts. */
  /* podwójne ustawianie pid ze względu na bezpieczeństwo patrz tutaj */
  new_thread->p_pid = pid;
  /* We're all set */
  *thread = new_thread_id;
  return 0;

/* Free the resources of a thread. */

static void pthread_free(pthread_descr th)
  pthread_handle handle;
  ASSERT(th->p_exited);   /* używane tylko przy debugowaniu */
  /* Make the handle invalid */
  handle =  thread_handle(th->p_tid);
  handle->h_descr = NULL;
  /* If initial thread, nothing to free */
  /* ponieważ wątek początkowy nie został przez nas utworzony */
  if (th == &__pthread_initial_thread) return;
  /* Free the stack and thread descriptor area */
  munmap((caddr_t) ((char *)(th+1) - STACK_SIZE), STACK_SIZE);
  /* oczywiście nie zwalniamy nic więcej - wątki współdzielą kod i pamięć operacyjną */

/* Handle threads that have exited */

static void pthread_exited(pid_t pid)
  pthread_descr th;
  int detached;
  /* Find thread with that pid */
  for (th = __pthread_main_thread->p_nextlive;
       th != __pthread_main_thread;
       th = th->p_nextlive) {
    if (th->p_pid == pid) {
      /* Remove thread from list of active threads */
      th->p_nextlive->p_prevlive = th->p_prevlive;
      th->p_prevlive->p_nextlive = th->p_nextlive;
      /* Mark thread as exited, and if detached, free its resources */
      th->p_exited = 1;
      detached = th->p_detached;        /* każdy wątek, który zakończy działanie zanim      */
      release(th->p_spinlock);          /* zanim zakończy się jego proces zostanie          */
      if (detached) pthread_free(th);   /* zmieniony na odłączony przez pthread_handle_free */
  /* If all threads have exited and the main thread is pending on a
     pthread_exit, wake up the main thread and terminate ourselves. */
  if (main_thread_exiting &&
      __pthread_main_thread->p_nextlive == __pthread_main_thread) {

static void pthread_reap_children()
/* wywoływana przez menedżera przy każdym przebiegu głównej */
/* pętli (o ile flaga terminated_children jest ustawiona)   */
  pid_t pid;
  int status;

  /* dla każdego zakończonego wątku wywołaj pthread_exited */
  while ((pid = waitpid(-1, &status, WNOHANG | __WCLONE)) > 0) {
    if (WIFSIGNALED(status)) {
      /* If a thread died due to a signal, send the same signal to
         all other threads, including the main thread. */
      /* ponieważ nie wiemy, który wątek odbierze sygnał, po otrzymaniu sygnału */
      /* kończącego działanie (np. SIGKILL) musimy zakończyć wszystkie wątki   */
      pthread_kill_all_threads(WTERMSIG(status), 1);

/* Free the resources of a thread */

static void pthread_handle_free(pthread_descr th)
/* wywoływana przez menedżera jako odpowiedź na REQ_FREE */
  if (th->p_exited) {
  } else {
    /* The Unix process of the thread is still running.
       Mark the thread as detached so that the thread manager will
       deallocate its resources when the Unix process exits. */
    /* patrz pthread_exited */
    th->p_detached = 1;

/* Send a signal to all running threads */

static void pthread_kill_all_threads(int sig, int main_thread_also)
  pthread_descr th;
  for (th = __pthread_main_thread->p_nextlive;
       th != __pthread_main_thread;
       th = th->p_nextlive) {
    kill(th->p_pid, sig);
  if (main_thread_also) {
    kill(__pthread_main_thread->p_pid, sig);

/* Process-wide exit() */

static void pthread_handle_exit(pthread_descr issuing_thread, int exitcode)
/* wywoływana przez menedżera jako odpowiedź na REQ_PROCESS_EXIT */
  pthread_descr th;
  __pthread_exit_requested = 1;
  __pthread_exit_code = exitcode;
  /* Send the CANCEL signal to all running threads, including the main
     thread, but excluding the thread from which the exit request originated
     (that thread must complete the exit, e.g. calling atexit functions
     and flushing stdio buffers). */
  for (th = issuing_thread->p_nextlive;
       th != issuing_thread;
       th = th->p_nextlive) {
    kill(th->p_pid, PTHREAD_SIG_CANCEL);
  /* Now, wait for all these threads, so that they don't become zombies
     and their times are properly added to the thread manager's times. */
  for (th = issuing_thread->p_nextlive;
       th != issuing_thread;
       th = th->p_nextlive) {
    waitpid(th->p_pid, NULL, __WCLONE);

/* Handler for PTHREAD_SIG_RESTART in thread manager thread */

void __pthread_manager_sighandler(int sig)
  terminated_children = 1;

Autor: Karol Gołąb