#include <linux/autoconf.h>

 * Defines for what uname() should return 
#define UTS_SYSNAME "Linux"

#define UTS_MACHINE "unknown"

#define UTS_NODENAME "(none)"	/* set by sethostname() */

#define UTS_DOMAINNAME "(none)"	/* set by setdomainname() */

 * The definitions for UTS_RELEASE and UTS_VERSION are now defined
 * in linux/version.h, and should only be used by linux/version.c

/* Shouldn't these be defined somewhere in a i386 definition? */

/* Don't touch these, unless you really know what you're doing. */
#define DEF_INITSEG	0x9000
#define DEF_SYSSEG	0x1000
#define DEF_SETUPSEG	0x9020
#define DEF_SYSSIZE	0x7F00

/* internal svga startup constants */
#define NORMAL_VGA	0xffff		/* 80x25 mode */
#define EXTENDED_VGA	0xfffe		/* 80x50 mode */
#define ASK_VGA		0xfffd		/* ask for it at bootup */
