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Tworzenie domen (fedora core 5)


·                   instalacja domeny:                                 # xenguest-install.py


o       What is the name of your virtual machine? myname

o       How much RAM should be allocated (in megabytes)? 256

o       What would you like to use as the disk (path)? /root/myname.img

o       How large would you like the disk to be (in gigabytes)? 2

o       What is the install location? ftp://my.ftp.server.com/path/to/tree


·                   uruchamianie domeny:                          # xm create -c myname

·                   zamykanie domeny:                               # xm shutdown myname

·                   zapisywanie stanu domeny:                   # xm save myname /root/myname.res

·                   odczyt stanu domeny:                            # xm restore /root/myname.res

·                   nadzorowanie istniejących domen:       # xm list