Seminarium: Systemy Rozproszone
25 lutego 2010, godzina 12:15, sala 4070
Konrad Iwanicki

Extending the Internet into the physical world with wireless sensor networks

Wireless sensor networks (abbr. sensornets or WSNs) are novel, low-power wireless networks that constitute a new class of computing. They are composed of numerous tiny wireless devices that, embedded in physical space, can collaboratively sense and control various features of the surrounding environment. Their objective is thus to extend the digital world of the Internet with the capabilities of remotely sensing and controlling the physical world.

a sample sensor node

The first part of the presentation will introduce wireless sensor networks, their applications, and challenges they involve. The second part will discuss the networking problems I aimed to address in my PhD dissertation. I hope to give live demos of the technology and the solutions I have developed.

Everybody is welcome,
Konrad Iwanicki
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam