Seminarium: Systemy Rozproszone
25 maja 2023 12:15, sala 4070
Leszek Troc, Kacper Rzetelski

Ransomware: recent advances and analysis

Podczas pandemii liczba ataków typu ransomware znacznie wzrosła. Opowiem o postępach w nauce o tej klasie ataków z ostatnich lat, a także przedstawię wyniki analizy empirycznej sposobów reakcji na atak i oceny ryzyka.

Leszek Troc


Alleviating container cold startup in Serverless - selected papers

The serverless model capitalizes on lightweight execution by packaging code and dependencies together for just-in-time dispatch. Often a container environment has to be set up afresh – a condition called “cold start", and in such cases, performance suffers and overheads mount. Especially with particularly small workloads, the latency induced by the cold startup can significantly exceed the actual compute time. Over the recent years there were many attempts to mitigate this issue. During my talk I'll go over the selected few of the recent papers.

Kacper Rzetelski
