Wiktor Wichrowski
Grad Student at University of Warsaw
Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics, and Mechanics
About Me
I study Mathematics at University of Warsaw! As you might suspect, I'm interested in mathematics, especially variational calculus. In addition, in my free time I like to travel. I'm currently the president of Mathematical Enthusiast Society.
My articles on arXiv
Talks and poster
presented on conferences, seminars and workshopsInternational:
Mind the Gap - overview of the Lavrentiev phenomenon – Poster on KinMat Summer School in Będlew , July 1-5, 2024
Outline of Lavrentiev Phenomenon in One Dimension – Summer School of Variations: variational and geometrical methods, Warsaw, June 10-14.
Ciekawe problemy rachunku wariacyjnego (Interesting problems of the calculus of variations) – Analysis in Tatra, September 8-12, 2024.
Miary Younga i ich zastosowania (Young measures and their applications) – Baby Steps Beyond the Horizon, Będlewo, September 2-6, 2024.
Miary parametryczne i metody wariacyjne (Parametric measures and variational methods) – Summer School Conference, Brenna, August 5-11, 2024.
Wiązki wektorowe i klasy Stiefela-Whitneya (Vector bundles and Stiefel-Whitney classes) – Algebraic Topology Seminar in Chęciny, July 20-25, 2024.
Rozmaitości Nehariego i Równania Eliptyczne (Nehari manifolds and elliptic equations) – Oblicze, Poznań, May 10-12, 2024.
Twierdzenie o przełęczy górskiej (Mountain pass theorem) – OSSM (National Student Mathematics Session), Kraków, April 12-14, 2024.
The Lavrentiev phenomenon in one dimension – Dynamacis and Thermodynamics of Large Interactive Systems, March 21, 2024.
Zjawisko Lavrentieva i aproksymacja funkcji – Lavrentiev phenomenon and function approximation – OMatKo!!! (National Mathematical Student Conference), Wrocław, December 1-3, 2023.
O niektórych problemach rachunku wariacyjnego (On some problems of the calculus of variations) – Baby Steps Beyond the Horizon, Będlewo, August 7-12, 2023.
Wykluczenie zjawiska Ławrentiewa w jednym wymiarze (Exclusion of the Lavrentiev phenomenon in one dimension), Nowica, July 14, 2023.
Mathematics Enthusiast Society
I have been the president of the Mathematics Enthusiast Society at the University of Warsaw since November 14, 2023. During my time in this role, I have:
Led the club in various initiatives: organized and participated in numerous math competitions, conferences, and workshops (OSSM, OMatko, Oblicze, Baby Steps Beyond the Horizon).
Created and maintained a new website for the organization to improve online presence and accessibility.
Promoted mathematical engagement by hosting regular seminars, workshops, and special events, including Pi Day and the DaToLis conference.
Feel free to reach out via email:
ww439108 (at) students (dot) mimuw (dot) edu (dot) pl