Assignment 1: Binary file converter

Announcement date: 25.02.2025

Due date: 25.03.2025 (final due date 08.04.2025)

Additional materials


The Arm architecture is common in smartphones and IoT. Its popularity is continuously increasing in other applications as well: computers (for example Apple M series) and cloud servers. Most computers still use the x86 architecture, though. Software compiled for one architecture cannot be run directly on the other - an extra layer that interprets the foreign architecture's instructions is required. Such mechanisms are provided by emulators with varying capabilities and performance, for example QEMU, which converts instructions between architectures just-in-time and Rosetta, which converts the whole code before running the program.

Arm architecture naming

The naming of the 64-bit Arm architecture is somewhat confusing and often used inconsistently. According to the reference manual, the architecture is called the Arm architecture. It has several versions (the latest is Armv9) and three profiles: A, R and M. AArch64 is a 64-bit execution mode introduced in Armv8-A; other sources also call it ARM64. AArch64 uses an instruction set called A64.


Write a converter of AArch64 ET_REL files into x86-64 ET_REL files.


  1. The input to the conversion process is 1 binary file in ET_REL format and with EM_AARCH64 architecture.

  2. The output of the conversion process shall be 1 binary file in ET_REL format and with EM_X86_64 architecture.

  3. The ET_REL file can contain:

    • sections called or *.eh_frame (for example .eh_frame, .rela.eh_frame) - they shall be deleted (also from the section name table)

    • one section with symbols (of the type SHT_SYMTAB), and in it:

      • symbols of the type STT_NOTYPE, STT_FUNC and STT_OBJECT

        • for own (i.e. defined) symbols their value (and size in the case of STT_FUNC) shall be adjusted according to their location in the section of the output file

        • external (i.e. undefined) symbols shall be left unchanged

        • you may assume that there are no symbols defined inside functions

      • symbols of the type STT_SECTION and STT_FILE - they shall be left unchanged

    • sections with relocations (of the type SHT_RELA), and in them:

      • relocations of the type R_AARCH64_CALL26, R_AARCH64_ADD_ABS_LO12_NC and R_AARCH64_ADR_PREL_PG_HI21 inside functions - they shall be converted according to the instruction conversion guidelines below

      • relocations of the type R_AARCH64_ABS64 outside functions - they shall be converted into relocations of the type R_X86_64_64

      You may assume that there will not be multiple relocations pertaining to the same location in the same section.

    • other sections: every function in the section (according to the symbol table) shall be replaced with a function converted to x86-64 according to the guidelines below (if the section contains no functions, its content shall be left unchanged)

  4. You do not have to support the following functionality:

    • symbols in the SHN_COMMON "section" or other special sections

    • types of symbols and relocations other than the ones specified above

    • instructions and relocations in instructions other than the ones specified in function conversion guidelines

Function conversion

Prologue and epilogue

We assume that every AArch64 function begins with the following prologue:

stp x29, x30, [sp, #-prologue_shift]!
mov x29, sp

where #-prologue_shift is a displacement divisible by 16, and ends with the following epilogue:

ldp x29, x30, [sp], #prologue_shift

We also assume that this epilogue is the only exit point of the function.

The prologue shall be converted to:

push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
sub rsp, #prologue_shift

and the epilogue to:

mov rax, rdi

In AArch64 the return address is not stored on the stack by the function call instruction, but it is saved in the x30 register (also called lr - link register). x29 (also called fp - frame pointer) is an analogue of rbp. The AArch64 prologue stores both these registers on the stack. The converted prologue has an effect similar to the AArch64 one (but for simplicity the converted prologue stores the return address and previous stack frame pointer at the bottom of the stack frame, while the AArch64 one stores them at the top). The epilogue, aside from operating symmetrically to the prologue, puts the function's result in the proper register (see the next section).

Register mapping

The 64-bit AArch64 registers shall be mapped to x86-64 registers in the following way:

# Caller-saved:
x0 -> rdi # 1. argument
x1 -> rsi # 2. argument
x2 -> rdx # 3. argument
x3 -> rcx # 4. argument
x4 -> r8 # 5. argument
x5 -> r9 # 6. argument
x9 -> rax
x10 -> r10
# Callee-saved:
x29 -> rbp
x19 -> rbx
x20 -> r12
x21 -> r13
x22 -> r14
x23 -> r15
sp -> rsp

The 32-bit registers, which have a w prefix instead of x (e.g. w0, w23), shall be mapped analogously to 32-bit x86-64 registers (e.g. edi, r15d). sp in AArch64 is not a general-purpose register, and thus can only be used in certain instructions.

Additionally, the special-purpose registers xzr and wzr, which are always equal to 0, shall be mapped to an immediate 0 whenever they appear in an instruction.

We assume that only the registers specified above can be used. Note that this is a strong assumption, as AArch64 has 31 general-purpose registers (and sp). Since x86-64 has only 16, supporting all AArch64 general-purpose registers would require more management than just a simple mapping.

When converting instructions we will sometimes use an additional register for temporary values, denoted by {tmp}. This register shall be r11 or r11d depending on the size of the AArch64 instruction operands.

Such a mapping preserves the caller-saved and callee-saved registers as well as the registers used for passing the first 6 arguments. Thanks to that, as long as all functions have at most 6 arguments (which we assume in this assignment), using the mapping in every instruction ensures that the correct calling convention is used. There is one difference, though: in AArch64, unlike x86-64, the same register is used for returning the function's result and passing an argument. Because of that, we have to put the result in the correct register in the epilogue.


In AArch64 all instructions have a size of 32 bits, thus they have no room for 32-bit values that could be relocated. Because of that there are different relocation types for different instructions, depending on which bits of the instruction are meant for the relocated value. The address of these relocations is always equal to the address of the instruction. Moreover, offsets in instructions (e.g. in branches) are calculated from the instruction's address. Thanks to that relative relocations in AArch64 do not need the adjustment present in x86-64 instructions such as call.

Instruction conversion

In the following descrition {op1}, {op2} and {op3} refer to the subsequent operands of the AArch64 instruction, mapped as required if they are registers.

ldr reg, [base, disp] (load from memory)

The following code shall be generated:

mov {op1}, {size_qualifier} [{op2.base} + {op2.disp}]

where {size_qualifier} is qword ptr if {op1} is 64-bit and dword ptr if it is 32-bit.

str reg, [base, disp] (store to memory)

The following code shall be generated:

mov {size_qualifier} [{op2.base} + {op2.disp}], {op1}

where {size_qualifier} is defined like above.

adrp reg, imm (get page address)

We assume that the immediate (offset) has a relocation of type R_AARCH64_ADR_PREL_PG_HI21. The relocation shall be converted to a relocation of type R_X86_64_PC32 and the following code shall be generated:

lea {op1}, [rip + 0x7fffffff] # the displacement forces the assembler to use a 32-bit immediate; it is relocated
and {op1}, ~0xfff # set 12 lowest bits to 0

mov/cmp reg, reg/imm

The following code shall be generated:

{mnemonic} {op1}, {op2}

add reg, reg, reg/imm

  1. If {op1} is the same as {op2} (that is, it is the same register), the following code shall be generated:

    {add op3 to op1}
  2. Otherwise if {op1} is the same as {op3}, the following code shall be generated:

    {add op2 to op1}
  3. Otherwise the following code shall be generated:

    mov {op1}, {op2}
    {add op3 to op1}

Where the definition of {add opy to opx} is as follows:

  1. If {opy} is an immediate and has a relocation of type R_AARCH64_ADD_ABS_LO12_NC, the relocation shall be converted to a relocation of type R_X86_64_32 and the following code shall be generated:

    mov {tmp}, 0x7fffffff # the immediate is relocated
    and {tmp}, 0xfff
    add {opx}, {tmp}
  2. Otherwise the following code shall be generated:

    add {opx}, {opy}

bl imm (function call)

We assume that the immediate (offset) has a relocation of type R_AARCH64_CALL26. The relocation shall be converted to a relocation of type R_X86_64_PC32 and the following code shall be generated:

call 0x7fffffff # the offset is relocated
mov rdi, rax # put the return value in the register to which x0 maps

Branches (jumps)

The offset of each branch must be adjusted to the converted code - so that it branches to the instructions to which the original target instruction was converted. In the description of the generated code this adjustment is denoted by {adjust(op1)}. We assume that branches always happen within a function.

b imm (branch)

The following code shall be generated:

jmp {adjust(op1)}
b.cond imm (conditional branch)

The following code shall be generated:

j{cond} {adjust(op1)}

The mapping of the conditions in conditional branches is as follows:

eq -> e
ne -> ne
hs -> ae
lo -> b
mi -> s
pl -> ns
vs -> o
vc -> no
hi -> a
ls -> be
ge -> ge
lt -> l
gt -> g
le -> le

There exist AArch64 conditions without an x86-64 counterpart, but we assume that they will not be used.

Solution format

As your solution provide an archive containing:

  • any number of source files with the solution's code in C++, Rust or Python

  • if the solution is written in a compiled language, a Makefile that builds the solution or the corresponding file from another reasonable build system (e.g. cmake)

  • a readme file with a short description of the solution and instructions for compiling on the qemu image from the first lab

The solution (after compilation if required) shall provide an executable called converter. The program shall have the following interface:

./converter <input ET_REL file> <output ET_REL file>

The converter and the converted files will be run inside qemu with the image from the first lab. We recommend checking that your solution compiles in that image.

Hand in your solution via Moodle.


You can obtain up to 10 points. The assignment is graded based on automated tests and code review.


For disassembling we recommend the Capstone library, and for assembling - Keystone. To install them in Python:

pip install capstone keystone-engine

Their documentation is quite lacking (though some is provided on the linked websites), so referring to the source code of the Python module can be helpful.

Using Capstone, you can check the offset of the immediate or displacement in an instruction using imm_offset and disp_offset.

To inspect AArch64 binaries you can use the aarch64-linux-gnu binutils, e.g. aarch64-linux-gnu-readelf, aarch64-linux-gnu-objdump.


Reading anything from the literature list is not required, but you may find some details there: