elective course
summer semester of the academic year 2024/2025
Organizational details
Lecture: Janina Mincer-Daszkiewicz (email: jmd@mimuw.edu.pl)
- Łukasz Sznuk (email: luke@mimuw.edu.pl)
- Wojciech Ciszewski (email: w.ciszewski2@uw.edu.pl)
- Maciej Matraszek (email: m.matraszek@mimuw.edu.pl)
- Adam Cichy (email: ac417913@students.mimuw.edu.pl)
Consultations: please make an appointment via e-mail
Ongoing contact:Slack (I will send an invitation, for those interested)
Course page in USOSweb
ZSO on the Lecture about lectures (recording: from 19:00 until 27:18)
Lectures are open to all comers
Lecture (Tuesdays 14:15)
Laboratory (Tuesdays 12:15, Tuesdays 16:15)
Tuesday |
25.02 |
04.03 |
11.03 |
18.03 |
25.03 |
01.04 |
08.04 |
15.04 |
22.04 |
29.04 |
06.05 |
13.05 |
20.05 |
27.05 |
03.06 |
10.06 |
17.06 |
24.06 |
12.09 |
Lecture |
lec1 |
lec2 |
lec3 |
lec4 |
lec5 |
lec6 |
lec7 |
lec8 |
Easter |
lec9 |
lec10 |
lec11 |
lec12 |
lec13 |
lec14 |
lec15 |
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Place |
3180 |
3180 |
3180 |
3180 |
3180 |
3180 |
Easter |
3180 |
3180 |
3180 |
3180 |
3180 |
3180 |
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Lab |
lab1 |
lab2 |
lab3 |
lab4 |
lab5 |
lab6 |
lab7 |
lab8 |
Easter |
lab9 |
lab10 |
lab11 |
lab12 |
lab13 |
lab14 |
lab15 |
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--- |
Place gr1 |
3045 |
3045 |
3045 |
3045 |
5490 |
3045 |
3045 |
3045 |
Easter |
3045 |
3045 |
3045 |
3045 |
3045 |
3045 |
3045 |
--- |
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Place gr2-3 |
2043 2044 |
2043 2044 |
2043 2044 |
2043 2044 |
3180 |
2043 2044 |
2043 2044 |
2043 2044 |
Easter |
2043 2044 |
2043 2044 |
2043 2044 |
2043 2044 |
2043 2044 |
2043 2044 |
2043 2044 |
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Task announced |
Task1 |
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Task2 |
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Task3 |
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Task due date |
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Task1 |
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Task2 |
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Task3 |
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Task final due date |
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Task1 |
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Task2 |
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Task3 |
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Lecture 1:
SO tasks, UNIX and Linux - history, features, structure, eBPF, basic concepts: execution context, system calls, kernel reports
Lecture 2:
A little about hardware (Intel example): processor and memory, addressing, processor cache, computer architectures
Lecture 3:
Memory and process management: Booting the kernel, Paging in Linux, Process address space
Lecture 4:
Memory and process management: Process address space, fork(), page fault
Lecture 5:
Memory management: Physical storage, creating page tables, managing page frames, zones, highmem, managing noncontiguous memory areas
Lecture 6:
Memory management: Buddy allocator, Slab allocator
Lecture 7:
Process management: Kernel level synchronization
Lecture 8:
File management: Virtual file system, interface, data structures
Lecture 9:
File management: Virtual file system, mounting, directory cache, inodes in memory
Lecture 10:
Memory management: Page cache, page replacement
Lecture 11:
Memory management: THP (Transparent Huge Pages);
File management: ext2, ext3 and ext4 file systems
Lecture 12:
The block I/O layer and I/O schedulers
Lecture 13:
Process scheduling: PID namespace, introduction to scheduling in Linux, schedulers O(N), O(1), RSDS
Lecture 14:
Process scheduling: schedulers CFS, BFS, MuQSS, Deadline; what's new in process scheduling?
Lecture 15:
Real Time Linux (PREEMPT_RT): history, who is using, RT checklist, what RT gave to Linux
- Questions and Answers
During lectures we will discuss (for comparative purposes) various versions of Linux, including the latest (latest stable is 6.13.4, mainline 6.14-rc3, in labs we will use Debian 11 with kernel 6.12.6). Version 6.12 is expected to be a Long-Term Support (LTS) release that will remain supported for two years, until 2026.
There are newer books, but I don't know them, so I can't recommend them.
R. Love, Linux Kernel Development,
Addison-Wesley, 2010 (third edition, kernel version 2.6.34)
Electronic version
W. Mauerer, Professional Linux Kernel Architecture,
Wiley Inc., 2008 (first edition, kernel version 2.6.24).
Electronic version
D.P. Bovet, M. Cesati, Understanding the Linux Kernel, O'Reilly,
November 2005 (third edition, kernel version 2.6.11).
Electronic version
A. Rubini, J. Corbet, G. Kroah-Hartman,
Linux Device Drivers, O'Reilly, 2005 (third edition, kernel version 2.6.10).
Electronic version
R. Love, Linux System Programming: Talking Directly to the Kernel and C Library,
O'Reilly, 2013 (second edition, kernel version 3.0).
Electronic version
I expect students to be active during lectures, ask questions, initiate discussion. Each attendance at the lecture is rewarded with the cancellation of one day of the 'penalty' for the delay in the delivery of the assignment task (in total you can get 15 additional days to complete the task).
Presence at the laboratory is obligatory. Performing tasks planned in scenarios during classes
is rewarded with the cancellation of one day of 'penalty' for delay in the delivery of the assignment task (in total, you can get app. 7 additional days to complete the task).
There will be three lab assignments, each graded out of 10 points. The necessary condition for passing the lab on the first attempt is to obtain at least 3 points from EACH assignment (this refers to the points awarded as a result of the assessment by the grader, before taking into account penalties or bonuses) and at least 18 points in total for all assignments. In addition, the grade depends on the points as follows:
Points from | Grade |
28.0 | 5 |
25.5 | 4+ |
23.0 | 4 |
20.5 | 3+ |
18.0 | 3 |
0 | 2 |
Deadlines for delivering tasks - by the end of the day indicated in the schedule.
Each day of delay in returning the task results in multiplying the received
number of points by 0.9 (that is, assuming that the maximum number of 10 points is awarded,
1 day after the deadline means 9 points, 2 days - 8.1, 5 days 5.9,
10 days - 3.5, 14 days (maximum acceptable delay in delivering the task) - 2.3).
You can improve your score by submitting *one* assignment for (re)marking on the resit date (this is the last date indicated in the schedule, no bonuses apply). The score will be multiplied by 0.8. The new score for this assignment *unconditionally* replaces the points from the first date. The necessary condition for passing the lab on the second date is to obtain at least 3 points on EACH assignment (this refers to the points awarded as a result of the grading by the grader, before any penalties or bonuses are taken into account) and at least 18 points in total for all assignments.
The current status of points can be tracked in USOSweb in the Tests module.